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Startup Shakeup Projects

Startup Shakeup is proud to lead projects that support the innovation and digital needs of the regional community.

Major Projects


Digital Confidence for Business

Ovens Murray Regional Partnership project.

Startup Shakeup has been a founding member of Ovens Murray Digital Futures Coordination Group (OMDFC) since 2018. The OMDFC is a working group of the Ovens Murray Regional Partnership (OMRP).

This project, currently a priority for the OMRP, is based on solid evidence and targets the digital inclusion of solo to medium enterprises. It especially focuses on the 78% of businesses with fewer than 5 employees. The project’s goal is to boost turnovers by 5% annually, resulting in $12.9 million in revenue over two years and the creation of 136 new jobs, along with an indirect benefit of $25.15 million.

By addressing a clear gap and meeting the demand for a trusted, regionally accessible resource, this project aims to provide digital training and support tailored to the specific needs and timing of solo to medium businesses.

OMRP ask of Government: $350,000 investment over two years for the project commitment to Click Region, to expand reach and assist expansion through marketing, app development and project management.

Ovens Murray Digital Plan 2023

The first Ovens Murray Digital Plan was launched in 2019 under the Victorian Government’s Connecting Regional Communities Program. The Plan has been a key document for collaborative project delivery within the Ovens Murray with its focus on increased digital awareness, skills, data use, connectivity, and governance.

 In 2023, on behalf of Ovens Murray Regional Partnership, Startup Shakeup led an update of the Plan. They worked with many different groups to make sure it reflected everyone’s needs.

 This refreshed Plan is important because it gives us evidence of what needs to be done to improve digital access and skills. It will help the Ovens Murray region to build and strengthen its digital future.

Ovens Murray Digital Futures Coordination Group

The Ovens Murray Regional Partnership is dedicated to spearheading digital inclusion, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the region, aiming to create a ‘Smart Region’ that fosters connectivity, attracts talent, promotes innovation, and generates job opportunities and growth for the modern era.

To put this vision into action, the Digital Futures Coordination Group was established by the OMRP. This group brings together a variety of stakeholders to implement the overarching digital plan at the grassroots level. Through this collaborative partnership, significant progress has been achieved since the inception of the original Plan. Startup Shakeup has been a founding member of this group since 2018 and has served as Acting Chair/Deputy Chair since 2021.

SME Digital Inclusion Project

Understanding Small Business in North East Victoria.

Startup Shakeup helps small businesses in North East Victoria improve their digital skills.

 To succeed in today’s online world, it’s crucial to be digitally included. Unfortunately, our region hasn’t scored well in digital ability, access, and affordability. Although we had some data from the Australian Digital Inclusion Index, we lacked detailed information about the digital skills of local business owners.

 So, we conducted research to assess the digital literacy of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the region. Based on our findings, we developed strategies to help every business access and utilise digital tools effectively.

 This project was funded by the Regional Digital Fund (Department of Jobs, Precincts, and Regions) and carried out in collaboration with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society at RMIT and the Centre for Social Impact Swinburne, with support from Telstra.

Past Projects

Startup Shakeup is proud to offer projects targeting the innovation and digital needs of the regional community

Working Together Program

To build digital ability in Alpine and Towong Shires.

Startup Shakeup and Click Region have been guiding
businesses on their digital journey.

Throughout 2023 we worked with new small businesses,
established small businesses, community organisations and those with a business
idea in the making, teaching them the skills they needed to thrive in their
business online.

Startup Shakeup was funded by the State Government of
Victoria through Emergency Recovery Victoria’s ‘Local Community Projects’ grant
program for the communities of Towong and Alpine Shires.

We tested a variety of delivery models, including workshops,
beginner face-to-face sessions, online intermediate zoom sessions, personalised
digital business coaching, and delivery of digital snippets through EDMs. Our
aim in all of this was to build businesses’ digital confidence and increase
time management with efficient processes they could learn easily.

This program held 20 workshops, coached 44 individual
participants, and sent out a 6-month series of digital tips with a 50% open
rate overall, the highest being 56.1%.

“I was feeling overwhelmed by all that needs to be
done when you’re a sole trader. My coach was patient, understanding and helped
me to find clarity on the next steps.”
Jenny / Entertainment & Recreation

Ideas Lab

You bring your business idea. We help you launch.

Designed for anyone with a business idea but unsure how to start, early-stage founders looking to elevate their startup, or those brainstorming ideas for an existing business, our Ideas Lab provides the perfect environment to explore, develop, test, and launch new concepts.

 To date, we’ve successfully hosted the Ideas Lab four times, guiding 40 participants through the entire program. The Lab is designed to be online, making it accessible to rural areas. Additionally, face-to-face meetups allow participants to build relationships, some of which continue well beyond the program.

 Participants in the Ideas Lab gain access to expert knowledge, techniques, coaching, and resources valued at $20,000—tools used by successful startups worldwide. Thanks to funding, the program costs under 10% of that price.

 The Ideas Lab empowers participants to refine their ideas and strengthen their business models, enabling them to turn their vision into reality. They collaborate alongside a small group of regional innovators, inspiring and supporting one another throughout the journey.

 “Startup Shakeup turned our idea from a backyard community project into helping us realise the potential commercial value.” Jay & Rohan / Computer & Software Development

Regional Skills Network

The guidance you need, when you need it - absolutely FREE.

Have you felt stuck while trying to solve a problem in your new or existing business? Or perhaps you’re a founder seeking advice but unsure where to turn?

 Introducing the Regional Skills Network!

Our Regional Skills Advisors are experts dedicated to supporting innovators and small businesses in regional and rural Australia. This program offers participants a unique opportunity to spend an hour with a member of our Regional Skills Network, discussing the next steps for their business and receiving real-time feedback.

Whether you need guidance, information, or simply a brainstorming partner to help navigate a challenge, we’ve got you covered!

Our goal is to provide these sessions free of charge to participants, thanks to the generous support of our Regional Skills Advisors and funding partners.

 “I was at the point in my business where I needed to scale it and needed some help to do so, I was also looking for help with my elevator pitch and shaping our products … I felt supported and working with Startup Shakeup definitely gives you confidence.” Sharyn / Retail