Bringing your “aha” moment to life.
Wanting to bring an idea to life? Wanting to do business differently? You don’t have to do it alone!
At Startup Shakeup, we work together to grow your skills, build your confidence, and bring you the advice you need when you need it.
There’s no judgement, no jargon and no intimidating talk, just a community of support and a world of opportunity.
“My biggest ‘aha’ moment is the journey doesn’t need to be lonely; shared joy is double joy. I have gained so much from weekly sessions with likeminded individuals all riding the same wave; sharing the joy from everyone’s little wins, having a focus group at my fingertips, and accessing masterclasses and weekly content that has been invaluable”
– Lyndal (Startup Shakeup Ideas Lab Graduate)

Start a new startup, business or test a new idea
To help get your exciting new idea off the ground we have a range of support from the one-off to the more intensive.
BOOTCAMP: Test out your new idea with a s short half-day program.

Shakeup my existing business
If you have an existing business and want to shake things up, we have a few ways to support you.
BOOTCAMP: For those who want to innovate within your existing business, this program can help you brainstorm new ideas.

Check out our regional events and learning
Check out the availability of our regional events and learning
OUR EVENTS: Our calendar of events to inspire & connect
DIGITAL EDUCATION: Our sister site Click Region offers bite-sized learning for startups and businesses, an online directory, an an events page..

Support regional startups and small businesses
For those who want to get involved and give back.
COLLABORATE: Startups & Small Businesses need many forms of support and can often lack the resources they need to access them. Sponsorships and partnerships help us to reach more businesses, more often.

Invest in regional innovators
COLLABORATE: Come with us on the journey of building startups, small business and digital literacy – creating value for the region.

Build my digital business skills
For those looking for bite-size business learning on relevant topics
CLICK REGION: Easy to navigate with online tools to build confidence and grow your business.
DIGITAL CONNECTIONS: Our Digital Connections programs are tailor-made, working with trusted organisations on the ground, giving business back time whilst they learn on the go.

In our work Startup Shakeup acknowledges and respects the Traditional Custodians of the many lands on which we conduct our activities. First Nations people have been living on, learning from, innovating and caring for these lands, waters, skies and people for many thousands of years. We honour Elders past and present; their knowledge and wisdom has ensured the continuation of culture and community. We cherish the opportunity to work with current and emerging leaders; together we can create a world worth living in.

Helping you bring your "aha" to life.
Wanting to bring an idea to life? Wanting to do business differently? You don’t have to do it alone!
At Startup Shakeup, we work together to grow your skills, build your confidence, and bring you the advice you need when you need it.
There’s no judgement, no jargon and no intimidating talk, just a community of support and a world of opportunity.
“My biggest ‘aha’ moment is the journey doesn’t need to be lonely; shared joy is double joy. I have gained so much from weekly sessions with likeminded individuals all riding the same wave; sharing the joy from everyone’s little wins, having a focus group at my fingertips, and accessing masterclasses and weekly content that has been invaluable”
– Lyndal (Startup Shakeup Ideas Lab Graduate)

Start a new startup, business or test a new idea
To help get your exciting new idea off the ground we have a range of support from the one-off to the more intensive.
KICK START: Test our your new idea with a short half-day program.

Shakeup my existing business
If you have an existing business and want to shake things up, we have a few ways to support you.
Bootcamp: For those more advanced, this connects you with experts who can help brainstorm a challenge and get you ‘unstuck’.
CREATIVITY LAB: Short sessions that stretch your thinking and change the game plan for your business using strategic thinking and ideation in creative ways.
GET READY, SET, GROW: A flexible program in three parts that builds your journey to growth from gap analysis to growth plan.

Learn and be inspired
Check out the availability of our regional events and learning
OUR EVENTS: Our busy calendar of events to inspire & connect
DIGITAL MATTERS: Our sister site Click Region offers bite-sized learning for startups and businesses.

Support regional startups and small businesses
For those who want to get involved and give back.
SPONSOR: Startups & Small Businesses need many forms of support and can often lack the resources they need to access them. Sponsorship helps us reach more businesses, more often.

Invest in regional innovators
Come with us on the journey of building startups, small business and digital literacy - creating value for the region.

Build my digital business skills
For those looking for bite-size business learning on relevant topics
CLICK REGION: Building business confidence in the digital space, from simple things like turning on Bluetooth to complex matters like cyber security. Easy to navigate with online tools to build confidence and grow your business. Delivered in short, sharp bursts so you learn what you need when you want it without leaving the business.
In our work Startup Shakeup acknowledges and respects the Traditional Custodians of the many lands on which we conduct our activities. First Nations people have been living on, learning from, innovating and caring for these lands, waters, skies and people for many thousands of years. We honour Elders past and present; their knowledge and wisdom has ensured the continuation of culture and community. We cherish the opportunity to work with current and emerging leaders; together we can create a world worth living in.
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The Regional Innovation Community
Ready to do business differently? You don’t have to do it alone!
Startup Shakeup supports innovators in regional Australia, “Helping you bring your ideas to life”.